Monday, March 27, 2006

An Acceptable Double-Standard?

So I didn't get around to writing again this weekend, but here it is. I was alarmed to hear that accused middle-school reading teacher Debra LaFave was dismissed of the charges against her. This is the teacher who plead guilty to having sex with a 14 year old student three times over four days. These liaisons happened in two counties, so she was being charged in both. One county found her guilty but only gave her a few years of probation and made her register as a sex offender. The other county dropped the charges altogether after the boy refused to testify.

It seems ridiculous that she got off so easy. Some would say that years of probation and registering as a sex offender is no walk in the park, but let's consider what would have happened had a 25 year old man slept with a 14 year old student several times over several days. It is hard to imagine this male teacher would have walked away with nothing more than probation and registering as a sex offender. It seems far more likely he would have been handed some hard jail time in addition to his probation and sex offender status.

Is this an acceptable double standard? A man is more physically powerful than a woman and is more physically intimidating, but does that amount to enough to throw out the probability of the relationship being consentual? I wouldn't think so. All other things being equal, whether you are a man or a woman, both hold positions of authority and have committed crimes by sleeping with underage children. It just doesn't seem the same thing would have happened to a man that happened to Debra LaFave.

It seems pretty likely this has to do with some factor besides what LaFave did. I don't know what that would be but it may very well be that she was too attractive to send to jail for hard time, or that this kid wasn't willing to testify against the "hot" teacher he bagged thus giving up his bragging rights. That seems too banal an explanation, but what else could it be? This might even be held up by the case that occurred right after this where a teacher in West Virginia was not being given the same leniency that LaFave received. She was not blond, not attractive, and not young. She did have multiple victims, but she seemed just as repentant and yet she wasn't being given the same treatment that LaFave received.

The bottom line it would seem, is that there is a double standard. Rather than holding all teachers and others in positions of authority to the same standards with the same punishments, we are giving those who may be better looking and camera friendly the advantage. It's pretty hard to make a pretty blond girl in a bikini on a motorcycle into a child abusing monster. I guess now we know what would happen if Lolita were written by Mary Wollstonecraft.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

I'm Back!

So Hawaii was pretty sweet. There is nothing like taking a week off from normal life (that includes work) and spending every day on the beach, in the water, and relaxing. I got to see my best friend that I haven't seen in a while and spend some time doing some of the things I really love.

I did a couple of SCUBA dives, snorkeled a lot, and hiked a little in the lush greenery of Maui. I couldn't believe all the ocean life I saw while I was there. I saw sharks, green sea turtles, octopus, parrot fish, and a ton of other stuff. If you haven't been in the ocean and seen these amazing things then you are robbing yourself of something crucial in life. I am an avid traveler and love seeing new places and things. I think everybody should take the opportunities they have in life to see new places and seek adventure.

There are a lot of things I am dying to write about that I have seen or read about lately. I haven't posted in a while but I should make up for that by posting several times over the weekend about these things that are on my mind. That's what my blog is for--subjecting humanity to what is going on in my mind.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Ah, Sweet Paradise!

So today I finished my Open Water SCUBA certification and am now a certified diver! All this is in preparation for my trip to Hawaii next week. I am going to Maui for about a week to visit a friend and spend some time diving, snorkeling, and laying on the beach. It doesn't get any better than a week off work and spending it doing nothing on the beach! I hope to post one more time before I leave and then when I get back I will post some pics and brag about what I did.