Friday, October 06, 2006

It has been sometime since I have blogged and there is probably no one left who reads my blog. I'm glad that Travis stopped by and left some comments (you're a good man). Law school is brutal, taxing, isolating, and sometimes demoralizing. But on the upside I live in Malibu and LA is my oyster. So put that in your pipe and smoke it law school! You can't keep me down! Here are some pics for those who may, but probably don't, stop by. I will endeavor to post more regularly about what is going on in my life (besides school).

Here is a picture of sunset over part of Pepperdine's campus. The Santa Monica mountains are beautiful and the ocean view here is even better. I am going body boarding tomorrow so I will take some pictures to post.

This is a picture of the flag at Heroes Garden, a 9/11 memorial we have on campus. You can see the ocean in the background. It's a pretty peaceful spot to go look out over campus and the ocean and recharge the batteries.

LA is starting to grow on me. Before moving here LA was not my favorite place and I came here only because it was what I was supposed to do, but I am starting to appreciate it more and really like some things about living here (minus the aspiring entertainers, deviant behavior, and insane amount of homeless people). I'm too busy with school to get out that much anyway so it doesn't really matter.

I believe it was Thomas Paine who said, "What we obtain too cheap we esteem too little; it is dearness only that gives everything its value." This must be true for any thing that brings trial and progression. This is my mantra for school.


At 2:15 AM, Blogger jimwraith said...

I'm proud to call you my friend, Oh Master of the School of Law. So proud, that I suddently realized how unaccomplished I, myself, am. So I left America and went to Antarctica, where I bury my shame for a long, cold winters night, hoping that the early rays of spring will grant me the courage to again bear life in your great and terrible shadow.
Keep up the good work. You're my idol. For reals...!

At 6:44 AM, Blogger Ken Leek said...

Nice blog! Sounds like things is the warm sun rays of Cali are treating you well. Keep on rollin' and life will take you where you need to go. Don't let the California sun bleach your brain...I hear it happens! Remember oral is not moral!!!!


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